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Caregiver Coaching

Trinity’s trained staff helps families learn how to talk to loved ones diagnosed with dementia, feed a child who has been put on a feeding tube and even begin light physical therapy exercises for a patient who might have undergone hip replacement surgery.
Here are the things your caregiver’s coach can assist with:
  • Division of duties — A Trinity staff member will help ensure everyone’s involvement including the patient, family and primary caregiver.
  • Communication – Families and patients will be reminded about the importance of open communication with the entire health care team.
  • A list of contact numbers will be created to keep in a central location so that member of the team can be contacted if any issues arise.
  • Plan of Care — A plan of care will be developed to address any concerns that the patient or family may have with the team.
  • A Likes and Dislikes list will be compiled to ensure the team is informed. This will be discussed amongst the team to make sure the patient and family are made as comfortable as possible.
  • We team up with your physician in order to coordinate better care under his or her supervision. 

Make an appointment and we’ll contact you.